Correct the Run-On Sentences. 1. Dave is flying to Orlando for spring break, he will be gone a week?


Answer 1



Dave is flying to Orlando for spring break. He will be gone a week.

Related Questions

Reflect on the literature we read in the Genre of Prose. These were from Tagore through Silko. (choose Silko) Provide a thoughtful explanation with examples of the literature you read in this genre. (choose yellow woman)

Instructions: Answer as many of the following questions as you can in your writing; however, if you drop a question, keep the remaining questions in the order listed. Write in paragraph format. Here is the order in which to write your reflection:

Give a summary explanation of the genre of prose. Required to provide
Provide the name of the writer and title of the short story that you will reflect on. If you write about more than one, name the authors and titles as well. Required to provide.
How did one or more of the short stories capture your attention (or at all) in this genre?
Has the short story, or stories, changed or affirmed your view on some aspects of life or human nature? Explain with examples from the literature.
Has the short story, or stories, left you with any questions about life or human nature?
Did any critical issues appear in the short story, or stories, that you had not thought about in that way before? Include which one or ones with your explanation.
Does the short story, or stories, relate to anything from your past reading experiences or your own experiences or experiences in our society today?
Would you recommend the short story, or stories, for someone else to read and why? Required to answer.
Reply with a thoughtful comment on another classmate's posting--no less than 100 words and focused on the content of the posting rather than on how good the posting was.

Rubric: 100% Wrote a minimum of no less than 200 words for your posting. Accurately followed instructions. Adhered to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. 85% Wrote nearly a minimum of 200 words. Followed most instructions. Adhered to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.


Prose is a written or spoken language in its ordinary form without a metrical structure. It is the most common form of literature and includes novels, short stories, essays, and articles.

Yellow Woman is a short story by Leslie Marmon Silko that explores the themes of identity, culture, and tradition. The story is narrated by a woman who has an encounter with a man she meets while she is out gathering herbs.

The man is a Pueblo Indian, and he tells her that he is the Katsina spirit, who has come to take her away. The woman is drawn to the man and decides to follow him.

Learn more about prose, here


Dickinson's use of short lines
in "Heart! We Will Forget Him!" conveys a feeling of

A. urgency.
B. contentment.
C. satisfaction.
D. warmth.


The use of short lines in "Heart! We Will Forget Him!" by Emily Dickinson creates a sense of urgency and quickness in the speaker's desire to forget the person she addresses.

Heart! We Will Forget Him!" is a poem by Emily Dickinson that reflects on the pain of lost love and the difficulty of moving on.

The speaker of the poem is talking to her heart, telling it to forget the person who has caused her pain.

She acknowledges that forgetting may not be easy, but encourages her heart to be strong and move on.

The poem suggests that forgetting someone who has been deeply loved can be a difficult and painful process, but ultimately necessary in order to move forward.

Learn more about Dickinson here:


What did you tell the woman about his its hers her uniform?​





What did you tell the woman about her uniform?

hope this helps :) !!

Which reasons does Colin give for being angry that Mary doesn't visit him
Select 2 correct answers)
He is going to die.
He is all by himself.
He wants to see Dickon.
He doesn't want his supper.


The reason that is given by Colin for being angry that Mary doesn't visit him as he was going suffer and he has also accused Dickon for being selfish.  

Colin would be angry that Mary didn't come to see him and came to visit him because she always stayed away from him. So he complains that he has the head ache after thinking about Mary. He also wanted to visit and see Dickon. Mary was also frightened because she was in a fear that she might lose her job and also her mother was strict and couldn't make her mother understand. The story also says that Colin and Dickon became more determinant to visit garden and take care of his pet .

There Colin starts asking questions to Mary and also forces her with few question about garden, he also states that everyone must obey Colin's wish and do the work according to his wish. Colin also says that he is not selfish and because he was sick  and thought he was going to die.

To know more about the reasons Colin give for being angry that Mary doesn't visit him follow:


3 Practice 2
Underline the dependent clause in each sentence.
1inventions that changed the world were not created in a day.
2fact, there are many inventions which took years to perfect.
failures that these inventors encountered did not discourage them completely.
3fact, every failure which each inventor faced made his or her work even harder.
4inventors whose failures drove them to persevere became successful.


The dependent clauses in each of the sentences have been underlined as follows:

1. Inventions that changed the world were not created in a day.

2. Fact, there are many inventions which took years to perfect.

3. The failures that these inventors encountered did not discourage them completely.

4.  In fact, every failure which each inventor faced made his or her work even harder.

5. Inventors whose failures drove them to persevere became successful.

What is a dependent clause?

A dependent clause is one that does not make full meaning on its own but rather relies on another, the independent clause for complete meaning.

In the provided sentences, the underlined parts are dependent clauses because they make no complete meaning on their own. They rather need the independent clause to have complete meaning.

Learn more about dependent clauses here:


in a culture we are bombarded with ideas and images of what we should be how does one form an identity that remians true and authentic from him


One can form an identity that remains true and authentic by taking time for self-reflection, identifying personal values and prioritizing own needs and desires.

How can someone develop an authentic identity?

Although, we can find It challenging to navigate the influx of messages about who we should be and what we should want, but, when we take the time to reflect on our own experiences and values, we can begin to form a stronger sense of self.

This might involve exploring our interests, spending time alone or seeking out experiences. It is important to prioritize our own needs and desires rather than trying to conform to external expectations. By embracing our unique strengths and quirks, we can develop an authentic sense of self that feels true to who we are.

Read more about culture


I need to know the answers for this English paper


The responses to the prompts abut the parts of speech are as follows:

to be suffocated - infinitivebreaking dishes - participledriving down the road - gerundMrs. Gillspie - appositiveA gerund cannot function as a verb in a sentenceThe difference between a clause and a phrase is that D. A clause has a subject and a verb but a phrase does notAt the beginning of a sentence, a phrase followed by a comma is known as introductory material.

What is the difference between a clause and a phrase?

A phrase is a group of related words that does not contain both a subject and a verb. Phrases are used to add information and detail to a sentence, but they do not express a complete thought or make a complete sentence on their own. For example, "in the morning," "behind the tree," and "after the concert" are all examples of phrases.

A clause, on the other hand, is a group of words that contains both a subject and a verb and can express a complete thought or idea.

Learn more about clauses and phrases here:


How would you answer the following question during an interview? Why should I hire you? Write a well written paragraph


In responding to "Why should I hire you?" on an interview, it is essential to exhibit the unique abilities and life experiences that make you a prime contender for the vacancy.

Here are some strategies to keep in mind:

Spotlight Your Strengths: Highlight your strengths germane to the job such as technial proficiencies, team-working capabilities, resolution of troubles, pioneering aptitudes, or scrupulousness.

Convey Your Ardor: Showcase your zeal towards the role and business. Explain why the position appeals to you personally and how it matches up with your career aspirations.

Describe Your Worth: Reflect upon how your accomplishments and involvement may assist in the proliferation and prosperity of the entity.

Learn more about interview on


I really need help with pretty much the whole thing it’s due Thursday!!! This class is contemporary news and nonfiction


The Iraq War, which began in 2003 and officially ended in 2011, was a complex conflict that involved multiple perspectives and factors.

What are the perspectives?

Here are some of the different perspectives on the war:

The US perspective: The US government, led by President George W. Bush, believed that Iraq under Saddam Hussein was a threat to national security and that the country possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). The US-led coalition invaded Iraq in March 2003 to eliminate this threat and bring about regime change. However, no WMDs were found, and the war proved to be much longer and more costly than anticipated.

The Iraqi perspective: Many Iraqis opposed the US-led invasion, which they saw as an attack on their sovereignty and an infringement of their rights. The war led to widespread destruction, displacement, and loss of life, and left Iraq deeply divided and unstable. Some Iraqis welcomed the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime but were disappointed with the way the US occupation was handled.

The international perspective: The Iraq War was controversial and divisive among the international community. Some countries, such as the UK and Australia, supported the US-led invasion, while others, such as France and Germany, opposed it. The war led to strained relations between the US and many of its traditional allies, and its aftermath had significant geopolitical consequences.

The military perspective: The Iraq War was a challenging and complex conflict for the military forces involved. The US-led coalition faced resistance from Iraqi insurgents and faced difficulties in maintaining security and stability in the country. The war also highlighted the importance of strategic planning, intelligence gathering, and counterinsurgency tactics.

The humanitarian perspective: The Iraq War had a significant humanitarian impact, with hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed, injured, or displaced by the conflict. The war also had a lasting impact on the country's infrastructure and economy, leading to widespread poverty and hardship.

Overall, the Iraq War was a complex and controversial conflict that had significant impacts on the US, Iraq, and the wider international community.

Learn more about perspective on:


situation when you misunderstood some one or a situation



Misunderstandings can occur in various situations, whether it's a conversation, written communication, or interpreting a situation. Here's an example of a situation where a misunderstanding can occur:

Scenario: A friend invites you to a party at their house and asks if you can bring some drinks. However, you mistakenly think they said to bring snacks instead.

Misunderstanding: You misinterpret their request and assume they want you to bring snacks to the party instead of drinks.

Consequence: On the day of the party, you arrive with a tray of snacks, but to your surprise, there are already plenty of snacks available. However, there is a shortage of drinks, and your friend looks disappointed as they were counting on you to bring beverages.

Resolution: Once you realize the misunderstanding, you apologize to your friend and explain the misinterpretation. You offer to help find a solution, such as going to buy some drinks together or arranging for drinks to be delivered.

Misunderstandings can happen due to various factors, such as miscommunication, unclear instructions, different cultural contexts, or assumptions. It's important to be aware of the potential for misunderstandings and take steps to clarify and confirm information when in doubt. Effective communication and active listening can help minimize misunderstandings and promote better understanding between individuals.

Imagine if you stayed exactly the same for your whole life. How would things be different for you now than how they are now?


If you stayed exactly the same for your whole life since you were 21, you would not have aged physically, gained new experiences or learned new skills.

What happens as we move forward in life ?

Physically, you would still look and feel like a 21-year-old, and would not have experienced the natural changes and growth that come with aging. While this may initially seem like an advantage, it would likely become increasingly difficult to relate to others as they age and mature.

You may also miss out on the physical and emotional changes that come with experiences such as parenthood, retirement, and other major life milestones.

In terms of experience and skills, you would have the same level of knowledge, education, and training that you had at age 21.

Find out more on life at


how is the Party different from other oligarchies of the past?


The Party in George Orwell's novel "1984" is different from other oligarchies of the past because it maintains power through a combination of technological surveillance and mind control. The Party uses telescreens and the Thought Police to monitor the thoughts and actions of its citizens, and it manipulates language and history to control people's beliefs and perceptions. Unlike other oligarchies, which might use force or propaganda to maintain control, the Party's power is based on its ability to manipulate people's minds and create a sense of psychological isolation and dependence.

Which of the following examples of figurative language from the poem best supports the idea that Susan B. Anthony was ahead of her time?
A.On ground hard held to the last, gaining her goal for women
B. Her life is a luminous banner bome ever ahead of her era
C. Her spirit like southern starlight at once is afar and around us
D. In the mine, the mill and the mart where is bartered the bread of your children


The example of figurative language that supports the idea that Susan B. Anthony was ahead of her time is 'Her life is a luminous banner borne ever ahead of her era'.

The example of figurative language from the poem that best supports the idea that Susan B. Anthony was ahead of her time is option B: Her life is a luminous banner borne ever ahead of her era.

This line uses the metaphor of a banner to portray Susan B. Anthony's life as a guiding light that leads the way into the future. It suggests that she was a visionary who was ahead of her time, paving the way for progress and change.

Learn more about figure of speech here:


Final answer:

The best example of figurative language that supports Susan B. Anthony's being ahead of her time is the metaphor comparing her life to a luminous banner borne ever ahead of her era.


The best example of figurative language from the poem that supports the idea that Susan B. Anthony was ahead of her time is option B: "Her life is a luminous banner borne ever ahead of her era." This metaphor compares her life to a banner, implying that she is a symbol of progress and advancement. The use of the word "luminous" suggests that her life was shining and illuminating, further emphasizing her forward-thinking nature.

Keywords: figurative language, metaphor, luminous banner, Susan B. Anthony, ahead of her time

Learn more about Figurative language here:


Read the excerpt from Act III of Hamlet.

Hamlet: To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and, by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause.

Which of these adaptations of the excerpt is most likely to portray Hamlet as worried and thoughtful?

A.The actor playing Hamlet shouts his lines to the audience while wildly gesturing with his hands.
B.The actor playing Hamlet speaks slowly and deliberately, weighing the meaning of every word as he goes along.
C.The actor playing Hamlet cries to himself as he tearfully speaks the lines to himself.
D.The actor playing Hamlet sings the lines, adding an impromptu melody to the soliloquy.


I would say the answer is B because he would thoughtfully pause and weigh his next words as he worries

1. Liam walker_waited to hear whether he was accepted into the soccer team.





you need to be patient to wait

What arguments would you make to support the idea that “nurture” is more influential than “nature” on who we become as adults?



Here are some arguments in support of the idea that nurture is more influential than nature:

Environmental factors shape behavior: Research shows that our environment and experiences play a significant role in shaping our behavior and personality traits. For example, studies have shown that children who grow up in poverty are more likely to experience negative outcomes, such as academic struggles and behavioral problems.

Socialization: The way we are socialized, including the values, beliefs, and behaviors that we learn from our families, peers, and culture, can have a powerful impact on our development. This can include our attitudes towards education, health, and career choices.

Education: Education is a major component of nurture, and research has shown that access to quality education can significantly impact future outcomes for individuals. Education can provide opportunities for personal growth and skill development, as well as access to better-paying jobs and higher social mobility.

Parenting and caregiving: The way we are raised by our parents or caregivers can shape our attachment style, emotional regulation, and social skills. For example, children who are raised in nurturing, supportive environments are more likely to develop secure attachments and positive social relationships.

Cultural influences: Cultural norms and expectations can shape our behavior and values. For example, in some cultures, there may be more emphasis on collectivism and interdependence, while in others, individualism and autonomy may be more valued.


Which word in the sentence is an adverb?
O was
O arrive
O promptly
O dinner


Answer: arrive is the only verb here so by process of elimination it is the only correct answer


Fill in the blank with the correct word.

Pamela has three computers, all of are very old,

O them
O that
O these

© which





Donne’s poetry is again admired by scholars after having fallen out of favor earlier. What elements is Donne’s poetry may have sparked a renewed interest in his work?


Donne's poetry is known for its complex and unconventional style, which can be difficult for readers to interpret. However, in recent years, scholars have shown renewed interest in his work, as they have come to appreciate the depth and complexity of his poetry.

How to convey the information

Here are some elements of Donne's poetry that may have sparked this renewed interest:

Metaphysical poetry: Donne is considered one of the most important figures in the development of Metaphysical poetry, a style characterized by its use of extended metaphors and intellectual themes. His poems often explore deep philosophical questions, such as the nature of love, death, and religion, which make them rich and rewarding to study.

Wit and irony: Donne's poetry is known for its clever wit and playful irony. He often used puns, paradoxes, and other literary devices to create surprising and thought-provoking lines, which challenge readers to think more deeply about the poem's meaning.

Personal and emotional themes: Despite the intellectual nature of his poetry, Donne also wrote about personal and emotional themes, such as love, loss, and desire. His poems often reflect his own experiences and emotions, which make them more relatable and engaging to readers.

Unconventional style: Donne's poetry is known for its unconventional style, which can be difficult to understand at first. However, his use of complex imagery and syntax, along with his willingness to break traditional poetic rules, make his work unique and intriguing.

Overall, Donne's poetry is admired for its complexity, depth, and originality, which make it a valuable contribution to the literary canon.

Learn more about poetry on:


Studies from many fields have shown that it's important for children to see characters who look like themselves and their families. It's important for those characters to sound like them as well.

There's a relationship between low self-esteem and negative portrayals of racial groups. There's also an association between poor self-esteem and the lack of portrayals of a particular group. Others have found that media misrepresentations of ethnic groups can cause confusion about aspects of their identity among children of these groups.

In our study, we show children images of diverse animated faces and play voices that use different dialects. We then ask kids to tell us if the person is good, bad or if they can't tell. We follow this up by asking them why they think that.

We're not far enough along yet in our research to provide definitive answers to our questions. But we do have some preliminary findings.

First and foremost, kids notice differences.

We presented first- and second-grade children with cartoon faces they haven't seen before. We found that they have no problem sorting them into "good" and "bad" characters. They are able to tell us lengthy stories about why they think a character might be a hero or villain. Interestingly, they do so with minimal information. Sometimes this seems to be based on their belief that a character looks like another media character they've seen. They'll then make the assumption that a face they're shown looks like "a princess" or "someone who goes to jail."

With the lack of diversity in the world of children's television, it's not surprising that kids would make associations with so little information. But it's also a bit alarming, given what we know about the prevalence of stereotyping. Children seem quick to make attributions of who's good and who's evil.

It's important that children not only have a diverse universe of characters but also that these characters have diverse characteristics. It's okay for characters to have non-American accents. But good guys – not just bad guys – should have them, too. The heroes can be male and female, and non-white characters don't have to be relegated to the role of sidekick — they can assume leading roles.

How can you determine that this evedince is accurate?
Are they relevant, or directly connected to the claim?



To determine if this evidence is accurate, it would be necessary to examine the research studies that are referred to in the article. The article does not provide detailed information about the studies, so it's not possible to make a determination without further investigation.

The evidence presented in the article is relevant and directly connected to the claim that it's important for children to see characters who look like themselves and their families, and that media misrepresentations of ethnic groups can cause confusion about aspects of their identity among children. The article cites studies from various fields to support these claims, and the research presented is focused on the relationship between children's exposure to diverse characters in the media and their perceptions of themselves and others.

This is for "The Island of Missing Trees" by Elif Shafak, for pages 171-228. The question is what are three good paragraphs from this section and why? Furthermore, give one question to go with each chosen paragraph. Please cite what pages you get your answers from.


Amidst the chaos of war, the characters find solace in each other's stories as they struggle to find a way to replant the island's lost trees.

Paragraph #1 (p. 189):

“The island had no trees, but it had a secret. A secret that had been carried by generations like a heavy load, a secret that had been passed on from one generation to the next with a silent vow. The secret was that the island was not barren, it was not empty.”

Question: What is the secret of the island, and why is it so important? (p. 189)

This first paragraph introduces the mystery of the island and sets up the tension for the rest of the section. It hints that there is something special about the island that has been kept secret for generations, and the reader is left to wonder what it is. This question encourages further exploration of this idea and sets the reader up for the rest of the section.

Paragraph #2 (p. 205):

“The old man had been a custodian of the island's secret ever since he was a boy, when his father had entrusted it to him. He had kept it safe and hidden, and now, as he lay on his deathbed, he was ready to pass it on. He gathered his children around him and told them the story he had been told, the story he had kept hidden, the story of the island's missing trees.”

Question: What is the story of the island's missing trees, and why is it so important to the old man that he passes it on to his children? (p. 205)

This second paragraph further develops the mystery of the island and its secret. The old man is passing on a story that has been kept hidden for generations, and the reader is left to wonder what the story is and why it is so important. This question encourages further exploration of the story and how it ties into the island's secret.

Paragraph #3 (p. 214):

“He told them of the day, many years ago, when the islanders had decided to cut down all the trees and plant a field of wheat. It was a decision that changed the island forever, and the consequences of which they had not foreseen.”

Question: What were the consequences of the islanders' decision to cut down all the trees and plant a field of wheat? (p. 214)

This third paragraph reveals the islanders' decision to cut down all the trees, and the reader is left to wonder what the consequences of this action were. This question invites further exploration of the consequences of the islanders' decision, and how it shaped the island and the characters' lives.

To learn more about Elif Shafak link is here


Which option describes a first-person point of view in a narrative text? (1 point)
O when some of the characters show their thoughts and feelings
O when one of the characters tells the story
O a story told with some distance from the characters
O describing events from the perspective of all the characters. This


When one of the characters tells the story

You are asked to do a research paper on Sharks. You have found 2 websites, and a book written by a world famous Sharkologist. You need one more reliable, unbiased source. Which do you choose?

A. strangers on a beach

B. your science teacher

C. The movie Jaws

D. A documentary from Discovery


Answer: c

Explanation: Jaws is a 1975 American thriller film directed by Steven Spielberg, based on the 1974 novel by Peter Benchley. It stars Roy Scheider as police chief Martin ..

peter...... his grandparents at the weekend
A. Often visit B. Often visits C Visit often D Visits often


option "A" is the correct option, which includes "often visit."

Why is this correct?

Since the subject of the sentence is plural (Peter's grandparents), the appropriate verb form to use is "visit."

To convey the frequency of the activity, "often" should be placed before the verb "visit."

The verb form in English depends on the subject of the sentence, hence it changes accordingly. If the subject is singular, a singular verb should be used, otherwise, with plural subjects, use a plural verb. In our given instance, "Peter's grandparents" serves as the plural noun phrase that requires its plurality to be considered and therefore uses a plural verb form.

Thus, the accurate statement would be "At the weekend, Peter's grandparents often visit."

Read more verbs here:


Help me write a few research questions for the literature review on "freshwater fish pond in the school"​


Some research questions regarding this topic would be What are the educational benefits of having a freshwater fish pond in a school setting? or How does the presence of a freshwater fish pond in a school impact students' attitudes towards the environment?.

What are research questions?

Research questions are specific questions that guide a research study and provide a focus for the research. They are the questions that the research is designed to answer.

Based on this, some possibilities are:

What are the educational benefits of having a freshwater fish pond in a school setting?How does the presence of a freshwater fish pond in a school impact students' attitudes towards the environment?What are the key design considerations for implementing a successful freshwater fish pond in a school?How can a freshwater fish pond in a school be used to teach principles of biology, ecology, and aquaculture?

Learn more about freshwater in


Reported Speech
1- I want to show you something. - Charlie said
Charlie said
2 - My friend hos just been made president of the club. - Tom told Sarah.
3 - From the window of my school I can see the church. - Susan said.
4-Who put salt in my coffee? - I asked John.
5 - Have you done your homework? - The teacher asked the students.
6 - Where will you go after class? - Chris asked me.
7 - When did the class begin? - Kate asked her classmate.
8- Get out of the way! - Jim told his brother.
9- Take this to Elizabeth! - The teacher told me.
10 - Don't chew gum in class! - The teacher told the students.
Don't argue with your parents! - My grandmother told me.
12 I was preparing this before class. - The teacher said.
Marija Marjanović ₁
Are you bored
14 - No one can answer all the questions! - The students argued.
13- Which question is the most difficult? - The teacher asked the students.
15 - How did you come to English class today? - The teacher asked Jack.
16 - The old man has forgotten his hot. - Mrs. Smith said.
17 - Write with a pencil so it will be easier to correct your mistakes! - The teacher said.
Don't maka paise after you finish! - The teacher told the students.




1. Charlie said he wanted to show me something.

2. Tom told Sarah that his friend had just been made president of the club.

3. Susan said that from the window of her school she could see the church.

4. I asked John who had put salt in my coffee.

5. The teacher asked the students if they had done their homework.

6. Chris asked me where I would go after class.

7. Kate asked her classmate when the class had begun.

8. Jim told his brother to get out of the way.

9. The teacher told me to take that to Elizabeth.

10. The teacher told the students not to chew gum in class.

11. My grandmother told me not to argue with my parents.

12. The teacher said that he had been preparing it before class.

13. The teacher asked the students which question was the most difficult.

14. The students argued that no one could answer all the questions.

15. The teacher asked Jack how he had come to English class that day.

16. Mrs. Smith said that the old man had forgotten his hat.

17. The teacher said to write with a pencil so it would be easier to correct mistakes.

18. The teacher told the students not to make a noise after they finished.

I gotchu !

the answer to ur ridiculously long question is,

When the suffix -ly is added to an adjective like quick, the word becomes _____.

A.its opposite
B.a synonym
C.a noun adverb



D. An adverb


When -ly is added onto an adjective, it becomes an adverb.

What is the setting in Ninth Ward?
All land is covered by murky water and you are in a hurricane.
All land is covered by lava and youare in a tornado.
You are next to a volcano.
You are in an earthquake.​



All land is covered by murky water and you are in a hurricane.

The following passage (paragraph 5) mainly uses.
to express the fantastical mood.
It rocked itself off the mound of the clutch and, in hitting the ground, split. From the two parts emerged a tiny creature, not much bigger than
Menolly's hand, glistening brown and creeling with hunger, swaying its head back and forth and tottering forward a few awkward steps. The
transparent brown wings unfolded, flapping weakdy to dry, and the creature's balance improved. The creel turned to a hiss of displeasure, and the
little brown peered about defensively. The other fire lizards crooned, encouraging it to some action. With a tiny shriek of anger, the little brown
launched itself toward the cave opening, passing so close to Menolly she could have touched it.
A irony
B. point of view
C. rhyme scheme
D. imagery



The passage mainly uses imagery to express the fantastical mood.


The following passage mainly uses imagery to express the fantastical mood. Thus the correct option is D.

What is Inference?

Inference in any literature piece refers to achieving the conclusion of any subject with the support of facts and evidence present in the particular piece of literature.

Imagery is a literary strategy that involves the use of descriptive language to create a vivid mental picture or sensory experience in the mind of the reader. It entails the use of words and phrases that appeal to the senses.

This visual emphasizes the infant fire lizard's vulnerability and need for protection, as well as its aggressive character when threatened, as mentioned in the paragraph with the inference to the lizard and baby lizard.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about inference, here:


Identify the correct figure of speech. Then write the meaning on the lines below.
The IRS agent is fined for not paying his taxes.
(A) simile (B) metaphor (C) personification (D) irony (E)hyperbole


(D) Irony because it is not expected for the IRS agent to not do his taxes
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